Shop Hours 10-5 Mon - Sat. Across From ACE Hwy 47, Woodruff Wi.

Winter Rentals

 Snow Shoes & Ice Skates

 Hockey style Ice Skates $15 per day

Made in the USA Crescent Moon gold & silver series. $20 per day

Winter Fat Bike Rentals


Where to Ride Fat Bikes in The Lakeland Area

But where would you ever ride a bike in the winter? Minocqua Area is actually very accommodating as far as winter trail riding. While bicycles are not allowed on the DNR XC Nordic Trails system, there is plenty of trial to chose from. Try the single track @ Raven, Win-Man, LAMBO's Zip Trail, Shannon Lake & Minocqua Winter Park.

Raven Trails- Woodruff . While this area does not feature groomed trails like Win Man & Minocqua Zip Line area, enough people hike and snowshoe there to pack out the trail and create a sort of snowy singletrack. The terrain here follows mellow grades up and down. Raven is about a 10-minute drive from Chequamegon's Shop off hwy J look for the DNR Clear Lake Picnic & Day Use Area.

Win-Man Trails - Manitiowish Waters. Another great area to test out a fat bike is the Win-Man Trails in Manitiowish Waters. Snowshoers, Nordic Skiers, and Fat Bikers alike all make great use of Win-Man's rolling hills and mellow terrain, great for those just trying out a fat bike for an afternoon. A mix of groomed trails, as well as packed singletrack, make for a wide variety of riding options.

Minocqua Zip Line Trails -  less than two miles away from the shop is a new (fall 2015) machine built trail system with lots of flow & terrain. We are excited to see this town trail system open & look forward to progress as LAMBO kicks in their support.

Minocqua Winter Park - Known as the premiere XC trail system in the midwest, the park will open for fat bikes Sunday afternoons thru Wednesday night. Trail pass required

Thursday Nite LAMBO ride - LAMBO Riders meet locations throughout the area. Call the shop or Facebook LAMBO Riders for tonight's ride!

When you rent your fat bike, feel free to ask for directions from our staff or reference the Minocqua Area Trails Winter Map to get a good idea of where to ride.

Fat Bike Rental Pricing

At Chequamegon we will be renting fat bikes all winter long. We will offer for rental KHS & Cannondale bikes. All bikes feature rigid suspension, efficient 3X9 or 2x10 drivetrains, and of course, monstrous 4+ inch wide tires for grip on snow. All models come in a range of sizes to fit any rider.

We have a structured pricing policy for half, full, and multi-day rentals so you can make the most of your time on a fat bike.

  • 24 Hour Rental - $56
  • 7 Day Rental - $225

What to Wear

Riding a fat bike on snow is an aerobic activity and it will make you heat up quite fast. That’s why we don’t suggest going out on the trails in full alpine ski gear. While there will be some crossover to combat the cold weather, you’ll want lighter layers to ventilate but still keep the wind or blowing snow at bay.

First of all, avoid all cotton and go with a synthetic baselayer that can wick moisture and dry quickly  to aid in temperature management.  A lightweight, breathable and waterproof jacket is key to block the wind and moisture, but will also dump excess heat as you ride. As far as pants, something lightweight like the Swix Universal Pants work well as they aren’t too bulky and do a good job of fighting the wind.

Your ski gloves will work well, but if you wear mittens you will need better finger action to safely operate the gears and brakes of the fat bike. It would be ideal to invest in a light pair of gloves to keep the wind off your fingers while still allowing the dexterity you need for snow biking. And for your head, a Beany and a Neck Gaiter block the wind and keep you at the right temp while you ride.

Obviously we can’t forget about your feet. If you have cycling shoes and pedals, bring them with you amd our mechanics will install them for you. Or you can wear waterproof sneakers or winter boots on flat pedals as well. 

All Winter Long

Fat bikes are fun, we’ve told you that before. And the Minocqua Area is the perfect venue to try out a new winter activity. If you want to get more of a local’s experience call us and we’ll set you off on a new adventure.