Shop Hours 10-5 Mon - Sat. Across From ACE Hwy 47, Woodruff Wi.

Grey Duck 17' 4' Saganaga Canoe Kevlar

  • Sale
  • $ 3,995

The 17'4" Saganaga is a classic prospector shaped symmetrical canoe that has stood the test of time. This canoe is comfortable in a variety of conditions, and splits the difference between our 16' Clearwater and 16'5" Kawnipi in terms of stability and speed. The larger sibling of our 16'6" Saganaga, this size is best for larger loads, with a capacity of up to 1200 lbs. It's the perfect canoe for someone who wants a boat for extended tripping, while also being comfortable when unloaded for shorter days on the water.

White Kevlar with wood gunwales. Price as equipped.